Sunday, March 29, 2009

Terms and Conditions of Loan

Terms and conditions have yet to be discussed with the new Government and specific 'payback' stipulations have yet to be determined. The following are a few conditions that the WB insists upon:1. The new government will pariticapte in leadership and economic sustainability training coordinated by the World Bank Institute.2. The borrower country must initiate and undertake an anti-corruption program3. Private sector development will be fostered through the privatization of SOE's over the long run4. Greater transparency in budget processes and execution at all levels of government by creating a Keep it Clear, Keep it Clean (KicKic) this will be overseen by Kieran Shah of the (WB) and Jessica Prince (ECHO). If they don't' abide we will kick kick you to the cub of the road we just built.5. The government must allow WB and EU auditors and monitors to review projects and budgets at any time.6. The goods and works to be procured must be: 1) of satisfactory quality and are compatible with the balance of the project 2) delivered or completed in timely fashion; and 3) are priced so as not to affected


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